Sunday 26 September 2010

Google Inc, Apple and Amazon

I have placed 3 orders in the market to buy the following US stocks at the following prices -
Google at $527.33, Apple at $292.36 and Amazon at $160.77
I have selected these stocks based on the analysis using my trading strategy. Will see how we get on in the next few days

Small loss - Johnson Matthey and Admiral Group PLC

The other 2 trades on the UK stocks Johnson Matthey and Admiral Group PLC which I opened on Monday did not move as expected. I closed both trades on Friday with a small loss (Johnson Matthey closed at £17.61 (£17.74 - £17.61 = 0.13 x 100 shares = £13) and Admiral Group PLC closed at £16.28 (£16.69 - £16.28 = 0.41 x 100 shares = £41). Total loss £54.

Not too bad as losses in trading are a matter of course and as long they are kept to a minimum, they should not affect the profit on the overall trades.

Wednesday 22 September 2010

RandGold Resources trade closed in Profit

I have closed one of the 3 trades on UK stocks - RandGold Resources I opened at the start of this week.

The trade was closed at £64.87 per share (a profit of £1.42 per share x 100 shares = £142)

The trades on the other 2 stocks Johnson Matthey and Admiral Group PLC are still open as they are still slightly below the opening prices of Monday. I hope there will be a bit of movement tomorrow otherwise will have to close those trades.

3 Profitable trades! - Caterpillar, Johnson & Johnson and Amazon

I have now closed the 3 trades I opened at the start of this week.

The trades were closed (all in profit!) at the following prices Caterpillar - $76.33 (a profit of $3.11 per share x 50 shares = $155.50; Amazon - $152.16 (a profit of $3.80 per share x 50 shares = $190) and Johnson & Johnson - $62.11 (a profit of - $0.50 per share x 50 shares = $25.00). Total profit = $370.50

Sunday 19 September 2010

RandGold Resources, Johnson Matthey and Admiral Group PLC

I have placed three orders in the market to buy the following UK stocks at the following prices. RandGold Resources at £63.45 per share, Johnson Matthey at £17.74 per share and Admiral Group PLC at £16.69 We will see how we get on in the next few days,

Caterpillar, Johnson & Johnson and Amazon

I have placed 3 orders in the market to buy the following US stocks at the following prices -
Caterpillar - $73.22, Amazon - $148.36 and Johnson & Johnson - $61.61 I have selected these stocks based on the analysis through my trading strategy. Will see how we get on in the next few days